Just Move In – Providing you with your potential home


Tenants Rights and the Tenancy Agreement

Having lived in rental accommodation ourselves we appreciate that tenants deserve to live in a safe, warm, clean, comfortable environment where they are free to live the life of their choice. This is a basic right and should not be compromised in anyway by the place they choose to call home for 1 year or even 1 month. Being equipped with this ideology has enabled us to provide a property to suit your needs.

The tenancy agreement is a document, which is signed by both tenant and landlord and explains the duties and responsibilities of both parties in relation to the rental property. It is a binding, legal agreement and its job is to protect both tenant and landlord.
In simple terms the tenancy agreement explains the standard who – what – when – where - how questions:

Who are the tenants and the landlord?

What is being rented?
The address of the property together with the furniture, fixtures and effects, which are more particularly described in the Inventory.

When will the tenant – landlord obligation begin and end?
The period of the lease which will be negotiated between the two parties.

Where will the payments be made?
The amount of rent to be paid on a monthly basis. Including a one-off deposit payment prior to the commencement of the tenancy, which will be returned to the tenant at the end of the provided s/he has complied with all terms and conditions.

How will the tenancy remain a successful one?
By the good management practices of Just Move In. In addition the agreement explains the landlords role in keeping the premises in good and substantial repair and condition during the tenancy. In this way,”The tenant herein contained may quietly possess and enjoy the said premises during the tenancy.” (Twigg Solicitors, 2003)

A considerable amount of effort is spent in providing a property that we ourselves would be happy to Just Move In.


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